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Garden Stories: "Fearless Gardening" with Loree Bohl
Wednesday, January 06, 2021, 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM PST
Category: Programs

Garden Stories
"Fearless Gardening" with Loree Bohl

Fearless GardeningToo often gardening advice comes in the form of rules: do this, don't do that, plant this, don't plant that. This can stifle creativity and personal expression, resulting in gardens that feel impersonal and generic. Fearless Gardening is a call to arms; urging gardeners to be bold, break the rules and grow what they love. In this photo-rich seminar you’ll be inspired to look at plants differently, see your garden through new eyes, to treat gardening as an adventure.

About Loree Bohl
Loree is the creator of the popular blog danger garden (, where she shares her love for agaves, cactus, and all things spiky—as well as a fondness for ferns Loree Bohland a good patch of PNW moss. Loree’s first book, Fearless Gardening: Be Bold, Break the Rules, Grow What You Love (Timber Press) will be available in January, 2021. She gardens in Northeast Portland and is a firm believer there is always room for one more plant.

Registration is now open: 2021 Garden Stories: Fearless Gardening.

This is a Zoom presentation.  Price is $5 for members; $10 for non-members and guests.

Contact: [email protected]