HPSO is partnering with Mike Darcy to bring you this much-loved event. This is the 23rd year that Mike has been hosting Plant Nerd Night Afternoon, which for many marks the start of the spring gardening season. Come hear regional nursery owners talk about the plants that excite them most. You'll also have the opportunity to win a door prize and do a bit of early season shopping. Where: Lake Oswego High School Auditorium, 2501 SW Country Club Road, Lake Oswego, Oregon. [map] When: Sunday, March 16. Doors at 12:30 pm, program at 2 pm Speakers: Sean Hogan of Cistus Design Nursery | Mackenzie Allaert of Youngblood Nursery | Linda Beutler of Rogerson Clematis Garden | Rosie Sullivan of N & M Herb Nursery | Mark Akimoff of Illahe Rare Plants | Marietta O’Byrne, breeder for the Winter Jewels® Hellebores Vendors: Cistus Design Nursery | Youngblood Nursery | Rogerson Clematis Garden | N & M Herb Nursery | Illahe Rare Plants | Little Prince of Oregon ADMISSION IS FREE Join one of the West Coast's largest gardening communities and meet other gardeners who share your passion. JOIN TODAY |